A Call to US Citizens, Dual Citizens and “Accidental Americans”

Mar 2, 2019 | FATCA, FBAR, IRPF Spanish Tax Return, IRS - Internal Revenue Service, Modelo 720 | 0 comments

When: March 12, 2019 at 19h00 
Where: The Business Center of Mutua Madrileña, 33 Paseo de la Castellana, Madrid.
Registration required: https://bit.ly/2Eta1jq

The Stanford Alumni Association of Spain invites you to hear Marylouise Serrato, Executive Director of Washington DC-based American Citizens Abroad “ACA”  (https://www.americansabroad.org/our-management/) speak about the latest developments of tax legislation in the US Congress concerning US citizens abroad and of other current actions in Washington DC to improve the lives of US citizens living abroad by working with Washington DC-based institutions.
Marylouise Serrato will be accompanied by Karl Jauch, ACA Board Member and go-to-person for topics on US citizenship, (https://www.americansabroad.org/our-management/) who will present current criteria for who is a US Citizen, including “Accidental Americans”.
Other participants to give a brief overview of resources and issues for US citizens in Spain, accidental or not, and touching upon issues for start-ups as well, will be the following Madrid-based organizations:
Thelma Butts, President of the American Club of Madrid 
The American Club of Madrid is the “go-to” organization for the International professional living in Madrid. 
Lucía Goy Mastromiechele, Managing Partner, Goy Gentile Abogados
Marcel E. Roche, Associate, Goy Gentile Abogados

Goy Gentile Abogados is a Spanish law firm that specializes in advising expats in their tax, corporate and immigration matters in Spain. In 2017, the firm was awarded with the Best Legal Startup in the II Expansión Awards and in 2019 Best Tax Experts in Spain. 
Antonio Rodriguez, Financial Advisor, NML US Tax Consultants 
NML US Tax Consultants prepares Spanish and US Tax Returns. They have provided professional U.S. tax preparation services to U.S. expats world-wide, over the last 50 years. Their clients are American residents abroad, primarily in Europe and the Middle East. They themselves have been U.S. expats for many years and are experienced professionals specializing in helping clients with their American taxes.
Mario Pérez Villarubia. Director, Private Wealth Advisory Team, Mutuactivos
Mutuactivos is the manager of investment and pension funds for Mutua Madrileña

All speakers will be available for questions in break-out groups following the main presentations.


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