American Club of Madrid “Need to Know seminars”: The Spain-U.S.A. Double Taxation Treaty

Nov 21, 2018 | FATCA, FBAR, Finances, IRPF Spanish Tax Return, IRS - Internal Revenue Service | 0 comments

The Spain-U.S.A. Double Taxation Treaty –

November 29, 2018 19:00 at Universidad CEU San Pablo (Fac. Económicas y Empresariales) Aula Magna c/ Julian Romea, 23 – 28008 Madrid – Maximum 100 pax.

Presenters: Lucía Goy (CEO Goy Gentil Abogados) & Maribel Zapata Lawyer at Cremades Calvo-Sotelo)

 The Spain-US Non Double Taxation Treaty: Within this Treaty, the Tax Authorities allocate the taxation of income between each state depending on the residence of the taxpayer and the origin of the income (e.g. dividends, rental income, business profits, capital gains, etc.), thus avoiding double taxation for the taxpayer. We will discuss the concept of residency in Spain and in the US and how double residence issues are resolved based on the Treaty, and specifically how the taxation of income is allocated between each state and how this translates into specific tax obligations for the individual in each country. We will also talk about the Arm Forces NATO Treaty and the Totalization Agreement of the Social Security.

Upcoming seminars

Dec. 10th – Emigration to the U.S. –

Feb. 6th – Modelo 720 & FATCA, How it affects expats. Future Years returns.

Feb. 21st – Investments for US Citizens: Where, when and how. PFICs & Form 8621

Feb. 28th – Fiscal obligations: IRPF & 720; 1040 &FBAR New Tax Code: “Tax Cuts and Job Act

Apr. 10th – Immigration: Children born in Spain, VISAs and Nationality

May. 23th – Transmissions: Inheritances and Gift Tax in Spain and the U.S.A. Fiscal and civil aspects.

Jun. 20th – PYMES vs Autonomos (self-employed) How to set up a SL in Spain. Obligations and forms with the AEAT & SS


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