In a statement, the White House said, “The current tax code is a burden on American taxpayers and harmful to American job-creators. It has grown out of control in length and complexity so that many Americans must rely on professional help to file even the...
The Republican National Committee (RNC) has urged president Donald Trump to replace citizenship-based taxation, and therefore scrap the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (Fatca), in his tax reform package. The RNC approved a resolution supporting territorial taxation...
The European Commission is understood to be looking at four kinds of sanctions targeted at jurisdictions on its planned tax haven blacklist which is due to be finalised at the end of this year. The Commission’s Tax Code of Conduct Committee is scheduled to come...
FATCA Constitutional Challenge loses its appeal in the Sixth Circuit Democrats Abroad have been following the lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of FATCA (Crawford et al vs Department of Treasury) as it winds its way through the federal judicial system. In...
If you are a U.S. citizen or a U.S. permanent resident who has been living and working outside the U.S. and investing your savings through a non-US financial institution, you need to learn what a Passive Foreign Investment Company is very quickly. Why? Because...
Investments as an American Abroad: What would you need to know to build a secure financial future while staying in compliance with the IRS. June 22nd – Thursday 19:00-20:30 Venue at Sagardoy Abogados c/Tutor, 24 – Madrid Do´s and don´ts when investing as an American...
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