TAXES! Spanish and U.S. fiscal obligations of Americans Residing in Spain. April 27th – Thursday 19:00 Sagardoy Abogados (c/Tutor, 24 – Madrid) Everything you need to know about taxes in Spain and in the U.S.A. for your tax returns 2016: Form 1040: Worldwide...
Versión en español A New Tax Season 2016 US Tax Consultants, the former SYNCORDIA, is pleased to announce that we have begun to prepare the Individual and Corporate Federal and State U.S. Tax Returns for 2016, as well as the Spanish returns. As you know, all U.S....
The Internal Revenue Service announced in December that the nation’s tax season will begin Monday, Jan. 23, 2017 and reminded taxpayers claiming certain tax credits to expect a longer wait for refunds. The IRS will begin accepting electronic tax returns that day, with...
Americans living abroad have a hard time keeping U.S. bank accounts open. As soon as the bank (or investment firm *cough* Merrill Lynch *cough*) finds out you are living abroad, you are apt to get your account closed. Subterfuge is a common solution. (Subterfuge is...
We have been contact by a lot of ordinary Americans living in Spain, telling us that they have not filed US taxes with the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) since they arrived here. They work in Spain, save their money in the bank and they pay taxes in Spain just as any...
Financial institutions are reporting a number of challenges over compliance with new OECD requirements related to the automatic exchange of information (AEOI) on client bank accounts in foreign jurisdictions, exacerbated by problems complying with the US Foreign...
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