1. New Individual and Capital Gains Tax Rates:The Act maintains the current seven individual tax brackets but generally reduces the applicable tax rates. A comparison of the individual tax brackets that would have been in effect for 2018 prior to passage of the Act...
Free Requiredregistration:https://bit.ly/2Q3n1Fh February21, 2018 19:00 at Universidad CEU San Pablo (Fac. Económicas y Empresariales)c/ Julian Romea, 23 – 28008 Madrid Presenters: David Kuenzi (Thun Financial Advisors, Madison WI) & James Levy (ClearwaterPrivate...
Free.Required registration: https://bit.ly/2Ebfaio February6, 2019 19:00 at Universidad CEU San Pablo (Fac. Económicas y Empresariales)c/ Julian Romea, 23 – 28008 Madrid Presenters: Alejandra Pastor (Sagardoy Abogados) & AntonioRodriguez (US Tax Consultants)...
When it comes to transactions between family members, the tax laws are frequently overlooked, if not outright trampled upon. The following are three commonly encountered situations and the tax ramifications associated with each. Renting to A Relative – When a...
As defined within the 26 United States Code section 7201 by the Internal Revenue Code, failure to report taxes accurately, failure to report taxes and failure to pay taxes are all forms of tax evasion. In order to establish a case of tax evasion against you the...
The Spain-U.S.A. Double Taxation Treaty – https://bit.ly/2xYBd7t November 29, 2018 19:00 at Universidad CEU San Pablo (Fac. Económicas y Empresariales) Aula Magna c/ Julian Romea, 23 – 28008 Madrid – Maximum 100 pax. Presenters: Lucía Goy (CEO Goy Gentil...
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