Filing my 1040 every year.

Here are some of the things U.S. Citizens need to keep in mind when filing out the 1040 every year. Do any of these apply to you? Form 1040  This must include your worldwide income. We can use the foreign earned income exclusion Form 2555. However, it must be...

2014 Tax Season Delayed

Earlier this year, Congressional haggling delayed the start of tax season. Now, the Internal Revenue Service says the recent government shutdown means the 2014 season will also start late with the delay estimated to be from one to two weeks.  

Hazards of Failing To File A Tax Return

All of us procrastinate. But some take things to dangerous extremes – putting off the filing of tax returns for a few years, or even many years. According to the IRS, each year some ten million people fail to file their tax returns. Non-filers, as the IRS calls them,...