«ACM Need to Know Seminar» Inheritances and Last Will in Spain and the US

Abr 24, 2019 | AEAT, Business, Immigration, IRPF Spanish Tax Return, IRS - Internal Revenue Service | 0 Comentarios

Last Will, Testament and Inheritances in Spain and the US.

May 23rd, 2019. 19:00h at Universidad CEU San Pablo (Fac. Económicas y Empresariales) c/ Julian Romea, 23 – 28008 Madrid

Free entrance. Registration required: https://bit.ly/2QIzHAP

Presenters: Alejandra Pastor (LTF Advisors) & Elisabeth Powers (Powers Abogados)

Inheritance and gift tax in Spain. International issues. Fiscal and civil implications. Last will in Spain and US. Application of the general rules of inheritance and gift tax in Spain. Particularly in Madrid and the reductions applicable. Inheritance taxation for nonresidents in Spain regarding assets in our country. Application for UE residents and non-UE residents. Inheritance taxation for tax residents in Spain regarding assets outside Spain. Application of Double tax deduction.

Upcoming seminar:

Jun. 20th – PYMES vs Autonomos (self-employed) How to set up a SL in Spain. Obligations and forms with the AEAT & SS. https://bit.ly/2SyjQlz.

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