“ACM Need to Know Seminar” Modelo 720 & FATCA: How it Affects Expats

Ene 28, 2019 | AEAT, FATCA, FBAR, Modelo 720 | 0 Comentarios

Wed, February 6, 2019 – 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM  Universidad San Pablo CEU – Calle Julián Romea, 23 28003 Madrid (Fac. Económicas y Empresariales)

Join us for this VERY important informational session. Know your legal responsibilities!

Modelo 720 & FATCA: How it affects us. Future year’s returns. Modelo 720 & FATCA: How it affects us. Future year’s returns: Obligation to file the form. Current accounts abroad. Investments. Real Estate. Sanctions regime. We will comment on the frequent questions of each section and binding requests of the DGT published. The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) how it will affect US and Spanish Citizens. Reporting obligations. Spanish Banks requirements.

The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) is focused on strengthening information reporting and withholding compliance with respect to US persons who invest directly or indirectly through the ownership of foreign interests. To achieve its purposes, FATCA dictates non-US Financial Institutions to identify accounts falling under the FATCA scope and report certain details on these accounts to the US Authorities. FATCA imposes a 30% withholding tax if FFIs do not comply with FATCA’s requirement. The 30% withholding tax on certain US source income is imposed regardless of whether the FFI has US owners or clients. Therefore, Financial Institutions that do not have any US clients, still need to take actions for compliance with FATCA obligations.

Presenters: Alejandra Pastor – Sagardoy Abogados, Madrid & Antonio Rodriguez – US Tax Consultants, Madrid

Catering by COSTCO

Free. Registration required: https://bit.ly/2Ebfaio

American Club of Madrid “Need to Know seminars”:

Feb. 6th – Modelo 720 & FATCA, How it affects expats. Future Years returns. https://bit.ly/2Ebfaio

Feb. 21st – Investments for US Citizens: Where, when and how. PFICs & Form 8621- https://bit.ly/2Q3n1Fh

Feb. 28th – Fiscal obligations: IRPF & 720; 1040 &FBAR New Tax Code: “Tax Cuts and Job Act” – https://bit.ly/2P4lwB7

May. 23th – Transmissions: Inheritances and Gift Tax in Spain and the U.S.A. Fiscal and civil aspects. https://bit.ly/2QIzHAP

Jun. 20th – PYMES vs Autonomos (self-employed) How to set up a SL in Spain. Obligations and forms with the AEAT & SS. https://bit.ly/2SyjQlz

Other locations:

Seville Feb 7 th – Fiscal obligations: IRPF & 720; 1040 &FBAR New Tax Code: “Tax Cuts and Job Act” SEVILLA https://bit.ly/2RBgv8x

Málaga Feb 14 th – Fiscal obligations: IRPF & 720; 1040 &FBAR New Tax Code: “Tax Cuts and Job Act” MALAGA https://bit.ly/2LU7t11


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