Bring-A-Friend – Get Rewarded!

Feb 26, 2018 | Uncategorized | 0 Comentarios

If you enjoyed working with us and have just 10 seconds to spare, we’d love to offer you a 10% off prep services.

What’s the Catch?

There isn’t one! Based on the feedback from customer like you, we’ve made a change to our Refer-A-Friend program. A gift card is nice, but savings on expert tax prep is nicer.

How Do I Get Started?

  1. Tell your friend about U.S. Tax Consultants.
  2. Your friend completes their Expat Tax Return with us. You only have to send us his/her name and Email.
  3. After we complete his/her Federal Tax Return, you will receive a 10% credit, to be applied to you own Tax Return.
  4. Refer as many friends as you want! There’s no limit – refer 10 friends who follow through, and you will have your Tax Return for free. The sky’s the limit and our system keeps close track to ensure you get credit where it’s due.

U.S. Tax Consultants – 915 194 392 – 915 196 566 – 913623701 –

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