As one of the stakeholders of the economy, US Tax Consultants has assumed its social responsibility to guarantee the safety and proper organization of all its employees and the clients who visit us. At this time, due to the various strategic and operational risks that...
The White House has a plan to send your second stimulus payment faster than the first check went out. We worked out some possible dates of when this might happen, whenever Washington agrees on a new stimulus package. The debate over the next stimulus package seemed no...
The Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service released updated state-by-state figures, including Foreign Addresses, for Economic Impact Payments reflecting the opening weeks of the program. «Economic Impact Payments have continued going out at a rapid rate...
US Tax Consultants has recently strengthened its team of highly qualified professionals with the incorporation of 3 new consultants. New logo. (En español a continuación) U.S. TAX CONSULTANTS REINFORCES ITS PROFESSIONAL TEAM Recently new professionals have joined the...
US Tax Consultants, es una marca de New Media Lab S.L. con C.I.F. B85709384 con domicilio social Travesía de las Cañas, 2 – 28043 Madrid, organiza un Sorteo Promocional de ámbito nacional denominado “Sorteo 55 aniversario” (en adelante el “Sorteo Promocional”)...
Como parte del programa anual de seminarios del American Club of Madrid, tenemos este seminario como parte de la serie de Comunicacion que es imprescindible para todos los que nos hemos enfrentado alguna vez a hablar en público. Entrada libre, sólo hay que registrase....
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