In order to offer a better service, U.S. Tax Consultants has developed an information system that allows our clients to know in which phase of the preparation process your return is. A process that consists of eight different phases and of which the client will be...
It is only an informative declaration, but it has severe penalties. If you were fiscal resident of Spain during 2019 and you have financial accounts or real estate properties outside Spain, you must file it. Modelo 720 is an Informative Declaration on goods and rights...
Modelo 720 Report of asset abroad when exceeding of value €50,000. Please refer to complete information in this website Modelo ETE The economic transactions and the balances of financial assets and liabilities abroad of...
The Tax Administration in Spain went from 3,486 penalties to taxpayers for late declaration of the modelo 720 in 2015 to 0 so far in 2019: These are the formal ‘automatic’ sanctions for late statements, of 100 euros for undeclared data, with a minimum of...
Some taxpayers with delinquent tax debts who have had their passport renewals blocked can use an expedited process to allow them to travel. As of May 3rd, more than 370,000 notifications certifying qualifying delinquent tax debts have been sent by the IRS to the US...
Por José María Salcedo Benavente. 18 de junio de 2019Sabido es que no hay más ciego que el que no quiere ver, ni más sordo que el que no quiere oír. Pues bien, algo parecido le ocurre a Hacienda con su modelo 720, que desde el año 2012 obliga a los contribuyentes...
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