Current developments of FATCA. Democrats Abroad.

Ago 31, 2017 | FATCA | 0 Comentarios

FATCA Constitutional Challenge loses its appeal in the Sixth Circuit

Democrats Abroad have been following the lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of FATCA (Crawford et al vs Department of Treasury) as it winds its way through the federal judicial system.  In April 2016 the lawsuit was dismissed by a US District Court for lack of standing (ie the plaintiffs had not suffered injury due to the enforcement of FATCA).  On 18 August the appeals court affirmed the lower court’s ruling.  This is a good layman’s explanation of the decision. The Crawford lawyer, Jim Bopp (of Citizens United fame), has promised to bring the case to the US Supreme Court.

Residency Based Taxation – new research project coming next week

Democrats Abroad thank all who supported the Residency Based Taxation Congressional Call Storm back in June.  Their work contributed to a widespread effort to capitalise on the opportunity they have to see this important reform built into a Congressional tax reform package.   In the next week Democrats Abroad will launch a new global research project; they will use the findings to help persuade Congress that it is time to end Citizenship Based Taxation and remedy the many very serious problems the US tax code creates for Americans who live abroad.

The survey invites Americans abroad to provide either general or very specific comments, concerns or complaints about their experience filing and reporting from abroad.  They hope to publish both data and stories that profile the areas of the tax code that discriminate against us and illustrate the extent to which our lives are impacted.

Please contact us at any time with questions or comments. +34 915194392

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