Spanish Taxes for expats and Accountancy Services

Dic 6, 2020 | AEAT, Brexit, Business | 0 Comentarios

Spanish & International Tax and Accountancy Services since 1956, U.S. Tax Consultants has guided expats residents in Spain with their taxes and all other fiscal issues. We annually prepare Spanish Tax Returns, Modelo 720, quarterly report for autonomos and corporations, SL & SA, before the Spanish Tax Agency an all Forms before the IRS… US Tax Consultants is a company with offices in Madrid, Asturias (Spain) and Algarve (Portugal), with national and international presence, and with 55 years of experience in filing American and Spanish taxes for expats

Spanish Taxes for expats and Accountancy Services

Our professionalism commitment to the highest standards to deliver all of our client’s requirements and provide the peace of mind of a job well done. We offer a competitive service in terms of quality, time and cost.

US Tax Consultants is the naming of the company. Being a company differentiates us from almost all Spanish competitors. Build credibility and trust, preparing Spanish taxes for expats and other accontancy services

Having a physical office brings benefits. No one in direct competition has an office. It is a demonstration of our desire for customer service, accessibility, and closeness.

We have clients throughout Spain and in multiple countries around the world. We offer Spanish & International Tax and Accountancy Services. It is an essential feature to avoid making mistakes.

More than 55 years of experience: Unique in the market with such a long history. A demonstration of solidity and professionalism.

We are experts in both Foreign and Spanish taxes, mastering both laws. We also work with all other nationalities

Our human team is highly qualified. Passing training and refresher exams annually.

Our Know How and work methodology (with quality controls) guarantee the effectiveness of the results.

Contact information.

Phone: +34 915 194 392

Phone 2: +34 640 850 465 (Attended 5pm to 8pm Monday to Thursdays, by appointment only)

Fax: +34 915 196 566



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