US Tax Consultants opens a new Tax Preparation Office at the Naval Station of Rota.

Feb 7, 2022 | IRS - Internal Revenue Service | 0 Comentarios

A big step for our company: the opening of a new office at the Naval Station of Rota.

It is an honor and gives us great pride to be able to offer our professional services to all current and former members of the U.S. Armed Forces, their families and U.S. civilian employees. Those who are stationed at the Moron Air Base, the National Support Elements in Madrid and Valencia and Lisbon (Portugal) are also eligible.

Offering our services to the US Armed Forces is recognition of our 56 years of experience helping American expats with their taxes. We have reached this milestone thanks to the collaboration among the team of professionals who have been– and are part of — U.S. Tax Consultants.

We want to extend a big thank you to our clients who trust our professionalism and service for filing their taxes. Without them, it would not have been possible to get here.

U.S. Tax Consultants
Phone: +34 915 194 392
Naval Station of Rota: +34 676 175 622

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