The Economic Impact Payment figures up to May 22, 2020

May 23, 2020 | Business, IRS - Internal Revenue Service | 2 Comentarios

The Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service released updated state-by-state figures, including Foreign Addresses, for Economic Impact Payments reflecting the opening weeks of the program.

«Economic Impact Payments have continued going out at a rapid rate to Americans across the country,» said IRS Commissioner Chuck Rettig. «We remind people to visit for the latest information, including answers to the most common questions we see surrounding the payments. We also continue to urge those who don’t normally have a filing requirement, including those with little or no income, that they can quickly register for the payments on»

Millions of people who do not typically file a tax return are eligible to receive these payments. Payments are automatic for people who filed a tax return in 2018 or 2019, receive Social Security retirement, survivor or disability benefits (SSDI), Railroad Retirement benefits, as well as Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Veterans Affairs beneficiaries who didn’t file a tax return in the last two years.

For those who don’t receive federal benefits and didn’t have a filing obligation in 2018 or 2019, the IRS continues to encourage them to visit the Non-Filer tool at so they can quickly register for Economic Impact Payments. People can continue to receive their payment throughout the year.

# of EIP payments
$Total amount of EIP payments
All US States


$ 256,731,749,686.00

Foreign Addresses


$ 1,222,795,510.00 has a variety of TOOLS and resources available to help individuals navigate Economic Impact Payments and get the information they need about EIP and other CARES Act provisions.

Economic Impact Payment FAQs: The IRS is seeing a variety of questions about Economic Impact Payments, ranging from eligibility to timing. These FAQs provide an overview and are updated frequently. Taxpayers should check the FAQs often for the latest additions; many common questions are answered on already, and more are being developed, or follow the posts in BLOG.


2 Comentarios

  1. Stephen

    It is 24 JUNE! I’m a Social Security recipient overseas who was not required to file a 2018 or 2019 tax return. I have not received payment nor has one been scheduled. Get My Payment says they do not have enough information but are checking (Same message for two months). IRS international helpline says I am eligible and they have my correct address. They cannot say when, how or if I’ll get payment. Is there any way to verify if the statistics supplied by the IRS are correct and they are doing what they are supposed to be doing? How many SSA recipients overseas have not received payment? I am in Australia so the mails are not a problem.

    • Antonio Rodriguez

      Stephen, according to one of the latest reports that I have read the Treasury still has around 35M checks or payments to be sent… so keep waiting! you will get it sometime!


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