The IRS Gives U.S. Expats a Breather on 2015 Deadline

Feb 12, 2015 | IRS - Internal Revenue Service, US Tax Return 1040 / 1040NR | 0 Comentarios

Everyone knows the infamous April 15th deadline for US calendar year taxpayers. Failure to pay  and file by this deadline can result in filing and payment penalties. But if you are a US citizen or resident alien that resides in a foreign country on the April 15th due date, you are entitled to an automatic two month extension to file and pay taxes due. Payment or filing penalties will only be assessed beginning from June 15th. However, it is important to note that interest on taxes due always begins to accrue on April 15th for calendar year taxpayers.

As a US calendar year expat, your new deadline to file and pay taxes is June 15th. If you are unable to file your return by the automatic two month extension date (June 15th for calendar year taxpayers), you can request an addition extension of time to file by filing Form 4868.

Application for Automatic Extension of Time to File US Individual Income Tax Return. This can give you an extension until October 15th. Filing the extension will absolve you from late filing penalties, however, late payment penalties will be assessed from the June 15th deadline.

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