When is the due date to file my Individual Tax Return, Form 1040, and Pay taxes?

Abr 2, 2022 | IRS - Internal Revenue Service, US Tax Return 1040 / 1040NR | 0 Comentarios

The regular due date to file is April 15th of the following year. If April 15th falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, your tax return is considered timely filed if it is filed by the next business day that isn’t a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday. For 2021 tax returns, the regular due date is April 18th, 2022. The due date to file is April 18th, instead of April 15th, because of the Emancipation Day holiday in the District of Columbia—even if you don’t live in the District of Columbia. If you live in Maine or Massachusetts, you have until April 19th, 2022. That is because of the Patriots’ Day holiday in those states.

Getting an Extension if You Are Outside the United States.

If you live outside the United States, there are two automatic extensions that apply to you and a third extension that is discretionary.

The automatic 2-month extension. If you are a U.S. citizen or resident alien, you qualify for an automatic 2-month extension of time without filing Form 4868 if either of the following situations applies to you: (1) You live outside the United States and your main place of business or post of duty is outside the United States and (2) You are in military or naval service on an assigned tour of duty outside the United States for a period that includes the entire due date of the return.

You will be charged interest on any amount not paid by the regular due date to file until the date the tax is paid. If you use this automatic extension, you must attach a statement to the return showing that you are described in Situation 1 or 2 above.

The additional automatic 4-month extension (Form 4868). You can request an additional 4-month extension by filing Form 4868 by June 15th, 2022, for the 2021 tax return. Check the box on line 8. This will extend your due date to October 17th, 2022.

The additional discretionary 2-month extension. In addition to the 6-month extension (automatic 2-month and additional automatic 4-month extensions), you can request a discretionary 2-month additional extension of time to file your return to December 15th, 2022. To request this extension, you must send the IRS a letter explaining the reasons why you need the additional 2 months. Send the letter by the extended due date (October 17th, 2022) to the following address.

Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service Center
Austin, TX 73301-0045

You won’t receive any notification from the IRS unless your request is denied.

There are Filing, Tax payment, and other Extensions Specifically for those in a Combat Zone or a Contingency Operation.

Please, do not hesitate to contact us at any time:
US Tax Consultants. Madrid. +34 915 194 392 info@ustaxconsultants.es
Rota Naval Base (Navy Exchange 11:00 to 18:00) +34 956 822 388 – +34 676 175 622. rota@ustaxconsultants.es

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