

Nov 14, 2021 | Sin categorizar | 0 comments

New “Clients Area”: ​​all your information at a click.

Offering an increasingly complete Clients service is one of the objectives of the U.S. Tax Consultants.

Our new “Clients Area” is an important step to offer the most complete and up-to-date information on the documentation and declarations of those who trust our services.

 Accessing our website, you will find your private Clients Area.

On our website https://ustaxconsultants.es you will have at your disposal this new service, in a simple way, using your email address as a user and with the password that U.S. Tax Consultant facilitates through secure e-mailing.

To update your personal data and upload documentation.

In this new section of our website, you can update your personal data when necessary.

You can also upload all the necessary documentation in an easy and safe way so that we can prepare your tax returns, as it was possible to do previously.

Access your tax return history and submitted documentation.

All the Report and Tax returns that we have prepared for you, Form 1040, Modelo 100, Modelo 720, FinCEN, etc., will be at your disposal to view and download and print if you wish.

Review of declarations pending presentation.

In addition, you will be able to access the drafts of the returns that, although they are already finalized on our part, are pending to be mail to the IRS or the AEAT.

In this way, the processes in the case of IRS returns are also streamlined since the client can print the return and proceed to its presentation without having to wait for the returns printed by the U.S. Tax Consultants to arrive by mail. Although if you wish, we will send you the documentation by mail as we have done so far.

A perfect complement to our “Tracking Model System”

We remind you that through our “Tracking Model System” we keep you informed through emails of the different phases through which your returns go through until their completion. And now with the possibility of reviewing and printing your return through the “Client’s Area”, the most efficient access to all your documentation is completed.

With cybersecurity systems that protect the confidentiality of information.

The “Clients Area” is a secure environment, and all files are encrypted following the recommendations of IRS Publication 1075, Section 7.1.2, on Encryption Requirements. For it, we use tools such as Microsoft Azure Platform ensuring compliance with current regulations in both the USA and Spain regarding data protection.


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