
The end of the obligation for “Autonomos” to declare IVA (VAT) every three months is approaching.

Sep 17, 2023 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

The end of the obligation for the self-employed to declare VAT every quarter is approaching. The Spanish Ministry of Finance is already working with self-employed associations on a text to transpose European Directive 2020/285, which came into force on February 18, 2020, and which allows eliminating this obligation for self-employed workers who invoice less than 85,000 euros per year.

Europe obliges EU countries to implement this measure by January 1, 2025. However, it is common for States, including Spain, to delay in transposing the rules, assuming the corresponding sanctions from Brussels.

At the moment, in the absence of an official text in our country, the European regulations propose the option that self-employed workers with incomes of less than 85,000 euros can choose between the general VAT regime (the current one) or take advantage of the special VAT exemption regime, which would imply that they do not have to include this tax in the invoices they issue nor, therefore, declare it. To benefit from the franchise, self-employed persons may not have exceeded 85,000 euros in turnover in the calendar year prior to the application. However, the Directive allows the States to extend this period to the previous two calendar years.

If you need more information, please, do not hesiate to contact us info@ustaxconsultants.es and +34 91 519 4392


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